
Take part in this shared urban regeneration project:

choose to adopt a tree ($1000) or a shrub ($100), donate a new plant from the new urban forest to whoever you want!

The planting of tree monocultures has led to less resilience to the effects of climate change. For this reason we believe that it is important to regenerate the second green area (after the '99 Children's Park) of Bassano del Grappa!

The urban forest is a green space designed for people with regional and national cultural importance as well as being a garrison for the present and future that contributes at a local level to the global planting of the “one trillion trees expected by 2050” (from the “World economic forum”) to combat climate change.

11,500 mq of the park have been redeveloped with 269 new trees of 14 native species of the Veneto plain ecosystem through companies, organizations and private individuals who choose to invest in environmental prevention and for a more sustainable future.

The inTREEcciamo campaign is promoted by Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, through the consortium of social cooperatives Rete Pictor in collaboration with STL, Etifor, Landlab and People First.


with a donation of $1000

Field Maple (Acer campestre)

The old toy tree

availability: 27

Hackberry (Celtis australis)

The tree of Sunday loves

availability: 0

White Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

The tree of break hunger

availability: 87

Black Hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia)

The Grappa tree

availability: 4

Wild Cherry Tree (Prunus avium)

The dowry tree

availability: 0

Mulberry Tree (Morus nigra)

The silk tree

availability: 0

Manna Ash (Fraxinus ornus)

The tree of support

availability: 0

Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens)

The black truffle tree

availability: 4

Linden (Tilia europea)

The tree of literature

availability: 0


with a donation of $100

Hawthorn (crataegus monogyna)

The shrub of roccolo

availability: 19

Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas)

The shrub of slingshots

availability: 8

Hazelnut Tree (Corylus avellana)

The shrub of handles and sticks

availability: 10

May Ball Viburnum (Viburnum opulus)

The vermilion berry shrub

availability: 29

Blodtwig Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea)

The cornostrea shrub

availability: 40

I want to take part in the fundraising campaign!

By donating, you will support the entire regeneration project and you will be able to adopt and dedicate one of the plants of the urban forest to a person dare to you!

Rete Pictor Soc. Coop. Sociale Consortile – Impresa Sociale is a non-commercial entity and is registered in the non-profit register pursuant to Legislative Decree 460/1997 (regional register of social cooperatives – section C – n. CVI0188). For natural persons, the donation is deductible at 30% up to €30,000.00 (art. 83 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 117/2017) or alternatively it is deductible within the limit of 10% of the total declared income (art. 83 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 117/2017). For organizations and companies, the donation is deductible within the limit of 10% of the total declared income (art. 83 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree 117/2017). Please remember that the disbursement of the same via bank, post or other traceable system required by law is a condition for the deductibility or deductibility of donations.

The project of the future North Park of Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, reported below and called “Urban Jungle Angaragan”, was finalized by the team composed of arch. Virginia Antoranz, agr. Dr. Michele Patuzzi and Dr. cons. bb. aa. Tommaso Zorzi based on the project work of Stefania Frau, Paola Gatti, Daniela Palma, Michele Patuzzi, Cecilia Reale, Marta Valpiana, participants in the Futuro Vegetale master. Plants, social innovation and the professors’ project Stefano Mancuso and Leonardo Chiesi, AA 2020/21. If you want to know more click here.


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