

Vocational training for disadvantaged people

Abstract: Eco Chef it’s an EU project (Erasmus+) developed from Luoghi Comuni SCS in collaboration with Association Euni Partner; the project aim to give opprtunities to more than 40 disadvantaged people involving them in training course about food sustainability. From earth to plate beneficiaries will discover the main local crops of Bassano del Grappa and Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria), will experience the products tranformation and understnad the main feature of a business activity!


Bassano Del Grappa, dec 2023

The ECO-CENA is the final event of EcoChef projects. The event involved more than 90 persons and it was co-organized with most of the beneficiaries of the project that invited collegues and friends to the dinner. ECO-CENA was an occurrence to share the EcoChef objectives and to taste all together the products of the sustainable production chain.

Blagoevgrad, oct 2023

On October 18th, 2023, Euni Partners organized a Multiplier Event for the project “ECO CHEF”, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, in the premises of the Regional focus point for the “Development of the Social Economy” project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan. The regional governor Mrs. Maria Dimova started the event with gratitude and appreciation for the trainings conducted within the project, which have a huge positive impact on the development of the social economy in Blagoevgrad region.

The president of association EUni Partners, Mrs Ilina Yakova, presented the project results, its products and its impact. The coordinator of the Blagoevgrad Regional Focus Point “Development of the Social Economy”, Mrs. Temenuzka Zlatanova, presented the “Development of the Social Economy” project and the possibilities for supporting social enterprises. Mrs Stanislava Popovska – Director of Directorate “Regional Employment Service – Blagoevgrad ”, introduced the programs for youth employment and entrepreneurship. The event was attended by lecturers and students from the South-West University “Neofit Rilski” and local business representatives.

The event created a network of mutual cooperation between institutions and stakeholders and encouraged young social entrepreneurs to take the first steps in their realization.

The total number of participants was 31 people.

Bassano del Grappa, oct 2023

Between the 9th and 13rd october 2023, Slavina and Ani from Eunipartners went on a filed visit in Villa Angaran San Giuseppe visiting the implementation of Ecochef project; the 3 days field visit was an occasion to attend several workshops ivolving disadvantaged people in working and inclusive activities; on 10th october there was the visit to Villa angaran San Giuseppe center for people with disabilities. On 11th october Eunipartners persons were involved in a meeting on implementation of Ecochef project sharing best practices and in the evening a kitchen workshop involving young marginalized people. on the 12th Slavina and Ani had the opportunity to attend to a bakery workshop with some beneficiaries of the project.

Bassano del Grappa, march 2022

First training course took place! In Bassano del Grappa beneficiaries are going to discover.

Olive oil culture. It is a main topic of Italian agricultural production and consumption. We organized a course to discover this crop from the canopy to the table to enable participants being aware of all the production chain.

The theory training course of 30 hours involved 10 beneficiaries that were involved in on the job activity in Villa Angaran San Giuseppe vineyard and restaurant.

Eco Chef at UJA Park, apr 2022

On april 4, SCS Luoghi Comuni ONLUS organized in Bassano del Grappa the first multiplier event introducing to stakeholder the project in a wider frame; in march 2023 Villa Angaran San Giuseppe will inaugurate a 2ha park (UJA park) dedicated to inclusive agricultural productions linked to food&beverage activities, cultural activities, artistic activities and social activities giving to the city a new green area. Eco Chef project presentation in this meeting was successful involving stakeholders in a European vision of local issues. The meeting involved more than 80 people belonging to the following stakeholders:

· Social and cultural council members of Bassano del Grappa municipality

· District council

· Adelante SCS and Conca D’Oro SCS (local social enterprises)

· Terra di Mezzo (40 local subjects promoting in volunteering and an active citizenry)

· All inclusion members (22 local entrepreneurs involved in promoting social inclusion and education)

Bassano del Grappa, november 2022

Training about wine producing and wine testing/serving . Wine culture is a relevant culture in Italy being a huge sector both in production and in consumption. Echochef participants had the opportunity to discover the sector from the plants to wine tasting experiences.

The theory training course of 30 hours involved 12 beneficiaries that were involved in on the job activity in Villa Angaran San Giuseppe olive three crop and restaurant.

Bassano del Grappa, nov 2022

On November 28 Luoghi Comuni ONLUS organized in Bassano del Grappa a multiplier event in Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, the dinner involved more than 100 people gathering beneficiaries of the project with stakeholders that participated at the multiplier event occurred on April 2022. Topic of the dinner was the presentation of products (olive oil and wine) on which production the beneficiaries of the project were trained and part of. The matching between beneficiaries and stakeholders was crucial for a project follow-up displaying project developments and results.

Blagoevgrad, may 2022

Training in Bulgaria on Social and Employability Skills in the VET Sector; The objectives of the training were to familiarize the students for the process of finding and keeping a job from end to finish. Each topic in the training served the aim to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of the students regarding the labour market, not only in Bulgarian context but also in the European one. The participants deepened their understanding for the requirements they need to cover in order to get a job and the rights they have as an employee.

Blagoevgrad, july 2022

Monopoly game: Social entrepreneurship. The main goal of the training was to raise awareness among trainees and to familiarize them with social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. During this course, the students managed to gain new knowledge and skills about social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, and learned how they can start their own businesses and most importantly how to make these businesses sustainable.

Blagoevgrad, dec 2022

On December 8, 2022, Association Euni Partners organized a multiplier event; presentation took place at the conference hall of the Regional Authority – Blagoevgrad and was attended by representatives of the Regional authority – Blagoevgrad, the Municipality of Blagoevgrad, the Regional Directorate for Education, the Employment Agency, Southwest University “Neofit Rilski”, Chamber of Commerce – Blagoevgrad, Regional Information Centre – Blagoevgrad, Community Centre Blagoevgrad.

On November 28 Luoghi Comuni ONLUS organized in Bassano del Grappa a multiplier event in Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, the dinner involved more than 100 people gathering beneficiaries of the project with stakeholders that participated at the multiplier event occurred on April 2022. Topic of the dinner was the presentation of products (olive oil and wine) on which production the beneficiaries of the project were trained and part of. The matching between beneficiaries and stakeholders was crucial for a project follow-up displaying project developments and results.

On December 19, 2022, Euni Partners held a Multiplier Event in the conference hall of the Regional Library ‘Dimitar Talev” – Blagoevgrad. The presentation was attended by representatives of the library, informal training centers, youth workers, teachers, career orientation centers and non-profit organisations. Professionals and stakeholders who attended the event learned about the results of the ECO CHEF project, its products, and its impact. The main aims of the Multiplier Event were to influence the professional community and stakeholders to further investigate the prospects of providing people from the VET sector with valuable opportunities for career development as social entrepreneurs. These opportunities included the acquisition of essential skills and competencies for business start-up and business planning. The event also informed participants about of the potential that such an open and freely accessible tool and method will have on young entrepreneurs that builds on the stages as set by the EC.

Blagoevgrad, feb 2023

Between 13th and 17th february three people from Luoghi Comuni SCS did the first planned project meeting in Blagoevgradthe visit to Eunipartner projects was a momento to meet not only the partner but also the beneficiaries involved in EcoChef project. From the city center to the suburbs of Blagoevgrad the journey was also an occasion to visit this south-est part of Bulgaria, strenghten the common sens of being european and focusing on different aspect, challenge and best practice to face and solve social fragilities.

Bassano del Grappa, apr-may 2023

Between paril and may 2023 we involved 10 beneficiaries in a training course about bakery and more over: tha aim of the course was to study and training about flour production and kneading tecniques. Tha training went much further proposing activities about serving and customer caring. Topics of problem solving in kitchen and in dining room were focused to teach how to be ready to work also in case of stress. The end of the course forecasted an on the job moment in which from the theories the beneficiaries could practice and experiment their future job.

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